
Welcome to "East Tennessee ViewPoint"
A place to learn, experience, and collaborate to provide an accurate local view of Tennessee and the South in general.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Most Important Thing about Tennessee & the South, generally.

I have traveled extensively, and resided in many parts of the country. 
From my travels, one thing stands out in the South (especially Tennessee) over everything else.

The People

I have always kept the impression that people are people no matter where they are from.  But now as I am becoming older and more reflective, I find the people in the South are simply: more friendly, compassionate, level-headed, and considerate.  


Prime example is simply going to the grocery store.  In today's hectic hustle and bustle pace, Tennesseans specifically take time to say hello.  People will approach you that are complete strangers and strike up a conversation for the sheer enjoyment of meeting someone new.

Driving down the road, you will notice people passing in the opposing lanes throwing up a hand in a wave even though they do not know you.  Men walking on sidewalks, still tip their hats to ladies and are quick to hold doors for others.


The perfect example, I witnessed just the other day.  During a rainstorm, I was following behind a car, and for no reason, they stopped in the middle of the road.  At first I was confused, until they rolled down their window and handed an umbrella out the window.  A rain-soaked pedestrian stepped from the curb and gladly accepted this compassionate gift.  Then the car rolled up their window and proceeded on.  I paused for a moment wondering if what I had witnessed would be possible anywhere but Tennessee.


People in Tennessee historically have had to 'fend for themselves' whether it be in the struggles to cut farms from the hilly rocky soil here or whether it is fair representation from government for a state that isn't as populace as some of its northern counterparts.  This breeds resilience and level-headed'ness that is unique to the area.  They cooperate with one another whether it is an old-fashioned barn raising or simply helping a neighbor because you may someday need their help in return.


People in Tennessee are considerate of others and polite to a fault.  I have already mentioned the tipping of hats, the holding a door for someone, but there are thousands of examples daily and are too numerous to mention in this blog.  Neighbors ask how you are and actually wait to hear the answer, not just providing lip service.  Friends and family are always there to help without excuses or reservations.


I have lived many places, but for the above mentioned reasons, I am now a Tennessean for life.  I live here and will never leave.  If you live in Tennessee now, rejoice in the fact that you get to experience this state on a daily basis.  If you are outside the state, I would suggest you come and pay us a visit, you will not regret it.

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